Sunday, February 1, 2015

Trauma-based mind control and ritual abuse of Austria's youngest children

The following article is an unusually well written account of a parent's struggle to hold Austrian authorities accountable for their complicity in covering up crimes against humanity. Bracketed statements in bold are my own commentary, where marked by ed.



Over the years, Austria has become a perfect “Potemkin village,” having harbored the elite Nazi academy of physicians and psychiatrists during World War II in the city of Graz, Styria (SS-Ă„rztliche Akademie Graz), and currently harboring perpetrators behind the facade of a western democratic country, a country of trauma-based mind control slavery and organized abuse on children and toddlers. Within the last few years, Austria has been home to spectacular cases of child abuse/ritual abuse slavery. Criminal abuse cases such as “Natascha Kampusch’s” and “Elisabeth Fritzl’s” were never thoroughly examined (police superintendents ostensibly “killed themselves,” thereby protecting the pedophile network operating in the country); and it was all covered up by the same politically influenced top prosecution officer, Dr. Werner Pleischl, of the Socialist Party, that – with short interruptions – has ruled the country for decades.

I’ve disclosed to Austrian Authorities, in 300 pages, what my beloved son, then aged 2 ½ – 3, has shown me through endless tears and post-traumatic flashbacks, lying on the floor, crying, then partially fainting when the memories of the suffering and torment he had endured over the course of 18 or so visits with his father surfaced. His father is a man with a drug addiction, and a history in the Middle East’s secret service, where he obviously studied this type of torture, shortly before finishing his official education as a psychotherapist in Austria. With the help of Freemason-affiliated therapists and physicians, he subjected my son to ritual abuse/medical experiments in the tradition of MKUltra’s Dr. Mengele, resulting in trauma-based mind control.

Since 2011, it has been impossible to get my son examined by specialists. The more I found out, the more they would pressure me to back off – not only the perpetrators, but members of Austria’s highest courts. The torture my beloved son was suffering (and still is suffering) corresponded 1:1 with the scientific literature on trauma-based mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. When I originally submitted the 300 pages explaining the details of my son’s suffering, the flashbacks, etc., in hopes of getting him examined, and getting help for him, I hadn’t yet come across the term “trauma-based mind control and ritual abuse.” Their response was to claim I’d manipulated him into believing these things had happened to him. Then, ten months after I’d sent in the submission, I discovered the term, and hence the concept of this kind of criminal abuse, a hugely important epiphany for me. Now I understood what had happened to my son. When I again appealed to the courts, armed with these new insights, and included German scientific literature, they told me I was “delusional.”

The horrors my son endured included: ritual abuse, inflicted by people wearing masks; being forced to eat his own feces; being kept in a car trunk for ages; being anally raped and suffering other forms of sexual abuse; being drugged; being trained to be a baby prostitute (for both men and women) and bondage. He showed me that he’d been trained to literally beg on his knees, and that he knew about near-death experiences and dissociation. Medical torture included being castrated with a needle, and then told he would be a “girlie” (he knew about anesthesia masks used to induce narcosis). His ears were injured and his eyes blinded, he was told his brain would be ruined, and, last but not least, he had to suffer water-boarding and spinning.

After that the group of perpetrators celebrated his “birthday” in early summer (even though his actual birthday is in February), on lake Neusiedl, with many representatives of the Austrian establishment elite present. On this occasion, his core personality was completely polyfragmented, as was confirmed by English experts in 2013. Besides the physical torture, he had to bear the heavy burden of the guilt projected onto him by ritual abuse perpetrators, and had to swear oaths to the perpetrators while he was being tortured. He was also subjected to the usual “spiritual” programming, and many other types of programming, exactly as described in the scientific literature. Also, as frequently noted therein, they never left visible signs of injury.

I meticulously described all of this to Austrian courts in detailed reports, as well as describing our lives together before and after my son’s traumatization. First my beloved son became ill and did not recover for weeks, (all the Austrian doctors told me this was “normal” for his age – just starting kindergarten), and then later on his personality would change, suddenly, many times a day. Some of his personalities were even convinced that me, his mom, wanted all that to happen, and some parts were also convinced that it was me who’d done it to him. When I asked him where I would have done it, he answered, totally convinced, “at daddy’s house.” Before this, my little one was very advanced for his age (he knew his ABC’s at 1 ½ years old, and read his first word shortly thereafter), and, more importantly, he’d been thriving, in a home filled with love, confidence and happiness. After the trauma was uncovered, he was certain of one thing: Daddy would continue to perform experiments on him, and there would be no chance of escaping. Daddy would come with the police to get him – he was totally convinced that this would be the only “truth.”

Not knowing anything, at the time, about “trauma-based mind control” and the powerful establishment being allowed to commit such crimes, (with the complicity of powerful politicians) instead of leaving the country immediately with my beloved son, I pleaded with the Austrian authorities to have him examined, thereby effectively asking – without knowing it – the perpetrators and their network for help with my son.

The evidence I have for the trauma-based mind control process, and for my son’s suffering, is overwhelming – not just from the standpoint of a highly concerned mother, but also as an expert researcher. I’ve collected documented evidence (including demonstrably false Austrian court judgments), evidence that connects the beastly torture of Dr. Mengele during the Holocaust to present-day torture in Austria, and evidence of what my son and others have testified to on audiotape. I can show proof of connections between Freemasons of all political backgrounds and religious networks, and last but not least I am able to prove, through pictures and video recordings, that in the beginning my son was one of the happiest children on earth, and then, after being profoundly and repeatedly traumatized through beastly, sadistic torture, under the guise of medical experimentation, he was psychologically shattered. And in spite of all of this, the authorities tell me that my programmed child will receive no justice, that there will not even be a case filed with the courts. Early on, my son’s father, Farrokh Sadegh, took photos and made videotapes of my baby boy, showcasing him to the Austrian elite for their future amusement and gratification: literally fucking and torturing a toddler into an irreversible illness. In other words, into a multiple personality or dissociation disorder in order to then create a mental slave. Meanwhile, I’m not even sure this person is his real father; as is often noted in relevant scientific literature, the powers that be sometimes administer knockout drugs to mask true paternity. My appeals to the courts for a paternity test were totally ignored.

Actually, the strategy Austrian authorities used from the very first day on was to ignore the research and evidence I sent to the courts, which included audiotapes and photos as well as manuscripts, and to misrepresent me as a criminally insane woman in their official judgments. Their strategy also included depriving both me and my son of any legal or medical help. With demonstrably falsified judgments that were so blatant they were nearly embarrassing, they got themselves deeply involved, and risked serious consequences, as even high officials could easily be accused of slavery based on the evidence, an offense that is, at least in Austria, punishable by up to 20 years in prison. To avoid exposure and accountability, I was made out to be a liar, a bitch, a bungler, a perpetrator, a squealer and a lunatic:

This is reminiscent of the times of the Inquisition – the execution of William Wallace, or the defamation of Joan of Arc. Such dire indicators have been, in any era, a sign of political desperation and helplessness. Pedophiles, Satanists/psychopaths, physicians and lawyers, standing shoulder to shoulder in the tradition of the feudal jus primae noctis, ignoring even scientific literature I submitted to Austrian courts, the youth welfare department, and psychiatrists/psychotherapists who were directly involved. Again, the more I was able to prove, the more counter-pressure I was subjected to, in spite of the fact that my only aim was ever and still is to save my son’s life, to be there for him night and day as a mother, and to help him to find his way in life as a survivor of this beastly crime.

The whole case reads like a manual for trauma-based mind control/ritual abuse-torture. It actually began long before I even met my ex-husband, Farrokh Sadegh Eslami; it had been well planned for years. This is evidenced by the fact that all relevant facts were ignored by the prosecution office in Vienna from the first day on, and all the necessary connections were already in place, from individuals to all kinds of (international) institutions and agencies (Bilderberg, the CIA, Corps Diplomatique, etc., with their complicit cadre of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc.). And then you have me, a 43 year old feminist, with academic degrees in comparative literature, with a specialization in feminist literature and theory (master’s), and in statistics, with a specialization in market research, who is also a social worker/counselor, who has worked her whole life to be able to finance her studies. A woman who was forcibly separated from her beloved son when she found out too much, too much about certain criminals and their associated networks – mostly by chance, but then confirmed by a former friend, and my son who nearly fainted upon recognizing his perpetrators. Both also told me one thing they both witnessed: There were many more people present than those he recognized and had shown me in pictures.

In spite of my grievances and protests, the corrupt pedophile network was able to grow like a cancerous ulcer day by day, even with me flying to London from Vienna in July of 2013 to get help from experts on trauma-based mind control and ritual abuse (as this crime does not exist, I was told, in Austria). Even today, everything I do seems to only help the pedophile network connect internationally much better, and to help them hide one thing – their true agenda: Austria should be the new pedophile Mecca, Austria should become the new manufacturer of many more trauma-based mind control child slaves. Austria never stopped supporting the beastly research of Dr. Mengele, and Austria can count on its own population, as what they are willing to accept was proven during the Holocaust. Austrians still unabashedly regard child abuse as a trivial offense, for the simple reason expressed in the old adage, the inherent guarantee of impunity for trauma-based mind control slavery: “If there is no prosecutor, there will be no judge.”

Having learned so much about this type of systemic abuse, the insidious modus operandi of these networks, and the trauma-based mind control procedures (which have been officially documented) and having discovered the reams of scientific literature that exist internationally on this topic, I want to share my research results, especially within the German speaking countries (where this crime is nearly unknown), to help my son and other children. In every government there is a demand for slave-soldiers, willing to do anything, ideally without remembering anything afterwards, as has been documented in films like The Manchurian Candidate and Bourne Identity, and in books like The Trance Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien.

The end results of having been programmed to be a slave are interesting: even some Hollywood actors and pop stars are said to have received this “treatment,” as has been documented, for example, at [ed: In my experience, that particular website is a dubious source for any information excepting the presence of occult symbolism in pop media. Most allegations about Monarch programming on the site appear to be based on speculation instead of personal testimony, such as what is presented in this article.], ignoring the incredible sufferings these slaves had to go through since their early childhood, the precise methods of torture dependent on the type of programming they had, which kind of slave was desired, etc., which is described in detail on or on

English speaking researchers have been writing about this topic for decades, like Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler, David Icke, Alex Jones and even US senators such as Nancy Schaeffer and John DeCamp. Only one question remains: How is it that the western world, a world that would give shelter to refugees from third world countries, could allow such crimes to be committed within the European community, behaving worse than in Nazi times? These atrocities committed against individual people are more monstrous than those committed against groups of people, as the crimes remain invisible, and isolate the victims, facilitating their utter annihilation.

According to Fritz Springmeier, a whistleblower who has served jail time on false charges:

There are many dangers to the human race, some real and some imagined. I believe that the trauma-based mind control…is the greatest danger to the human race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any evil deeds totally undetected. Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours studying the Illuminati, the Intelligence agencies of the world, and the occult world in general. The centerpiece of these organizations is the trauma-based mind control that they carry out. Without the ability to carry out this sophisticated type of mind-control using MPD (multiple personality disorder), drugs, hypnosis and electronics and other control methodologies, these organizations would fail to keep their dark evil deeds secret.

As I predicted four years ago, in writing, to the prosecution office in Vienna, when I still had my beloved, highly traumatized son with me and was pleading for examinations, the only option this clique had, as a defensive strategy, was to claim that I’m insane and that it was me who caused all my son’s injuries. In this way the Freemasonic perpetrators, with their intrinsic media, political and military power, could present themselves as the rescuers. I also predicted that the perpetrators would present themselves as “victims,” and “do-gooders,” as human beings compelled to change society for the better (after having profited enormously from their crimes – better jobs, salaries, status, etc.). English experts told me that it’s even possible they could be using my son to blackmail other people into becoming members, or committing crimes for them, by using proof that they were involved in sadistic rituals with him. The Austrian authorities never even allowed me and my son to be temporarily accommodated in supervised housing, to give authorities the chance to see how traumatized my son is, how highly adept I am at dealing with my tortured little one, how much love and nurturing he got from me as we began the process of healing. This would have been too threatening for the perpetrators. I even asked the courts many times to officially charge me, so that at least my beloved son could get therapeutic help and begin to heal but even this represented too big a threat to them. They were already aware of the fact that trauma-based mind control, the development of multiple personality disorder, is irreversible, without years and years of therapeutic work and that this kind of crime is almost never committed by a single person. So, authorities and their officials even falsified the reports of the supervised meetings we were allowed to have, which, again, I can prove with audiotapes, and even the youth welfare department demonstrably falsified their reports, even mocking, in writing, the injuries my son suffered instead of helping him. Reading their scornful words about my son’s suffering, especially after having separated us, was breaking my heart over and over. Their message to me was clear: As long as you keep talking, we will torture your beloved son, and we’ll make it look like it’s officially sanctioned.

Because I’ve mentioned the names of the perpetrators and am able to prove they’re connected to this international pedophile/ritual abuse/trauma-based mind control network, I now, naturally, face more and more retaliatory pressure. Already even my own family has threatened me, mocking and even laughing at my son’s post-traumatic flashbacks. I’ve been told: “If you dare to mention the names of the powerful people in the group, we will have you committed to a psychiatric asylum. You, for the first time in your life, have to shut up and crawl.” I also received death threats – that I would die either “instantaneously,” “by cancer,” “by a car accident,” through “psychiatric treatment” or by the use of “invisible weapons.” The same, I was told, could happen to my beloved son.

But to not reveal the names would be a betrayal to my son, as well as to all the other young children and their beloved parents getting “soul-murdered” by trauma-based mind control and ritual abuse, a betrayal to the principles of humanity. Not to stand up against this complete lack of empathy would make me a perpetrator as well; my silence would amount to complicity with the pedophile establishment – the alliance of Austrian Freemasons and their international “brotherhoods,” and would, in effect, condone their “scientific research” for military purposes and their Satanic/psychopathic rituals.

My son is still being tortured and programmed to protect the perpetrators and their establishment. I still have no access to any legal help at all, and have been told that everyone fears this powerful network too much to come to my aid. Without legal help, I have no way to regain custody of my beloved son, to protect him from the ongoing torture, to help him heal, to support and nurture him, to give him the love of his beloved mother. This is an unmitigated nightmare.

In Germany and Austria, people who talk about these things are generally imprisoned or sent to psychiatric asylums. Nevertheless, a few of them do write about the political context of such cases, as they do in America. In the UK, as I observed first-hand, they’re aggressively taking on some of these networks, as in the case of Jimmy Savile and his cohorts. But usually they only prosecute isolated individuals, and only posthumously or not until they’re very old, as in the case of “Rolf” and his friends. They’re willing to investigate and officially expose some of these crimes, but decades, 20-40 years, after the fact. Only then will they publicly acknowledge the political context of these crimes, the fact that their organizations are made up of people from all parties, religious groups and judiciary systems. Meanwhile, cases involving young children are still ignored. Take the case of the Italian woman who got a caesarean on the basis of a weak and vague report about alleged mental health problems, and then being told afterwards that her baby would be given up for adoption. The universal strategy seems to be silencing witnesses and victims (even most help centers seem to be operating under a gag order when it comes to trauma-based mind control, or even infiltrated), and using character assassination, in the tradition of manus manum lavat.

A large number of the Austrian perpetrators I came across were abused as toddlers/children themselves, which is not surprising – without truth there can be no healing. And as long as it’s too socially shaming (especially) for men, and as long it’s too dangerous (especially) for women to shout out the truth about what they had to suffer in their childhood, they can find neither peace nor healing. As has quite often been observed over the last few years, even in the mainstream media, you can’t tell who is or isn’t a Satanist or psychopath, they look just like us. They can only be identified by their deeds: character assassination within their private or official networks, scapegoating outsiders, or using blackmail, often enjoying powerful positions to make themselves more and more untouchable in terms of accountability. They are also extremely adept at presenting themselves as do-gooders, even victims.

As Heath Ledger, an alleged trauma-based mind control victim himself, said as his last line in the film The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus as well as his last line as an actor: “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

If you know anything about the paedocriminal network in Austria or other German speaking countries, or foreign connections to this network – entities helping secret agencies to support and expand a trauma-based mind control organization (set up to produce slaves on an industrial scale) – please let me know. Also, if you have any information about how to take legal action against these crimes, especially in terms of children’s rights or anything at all that could help my boy or help us stay together, please let me know.

As the crime of trauma-based mind control /MK-ultra is nearly entirely unknown to the public in German speaking countries, any and every tip in regards to evidence of this is highly appreciated.

Also, if you need help with your own case, in terms of information or publishing your story, please feel free to contact me. If you want to help us with translations for, etc., any help is greatly appreciated.

You can contact me via my email address:

– or my mobile phone:

+44-7448853306 or +43-699-10616487.

– or via skype:


If I don’t write or call you back within 24 hours, your message has not reached me.


[I’ve edited the translation of this page for her, but she needs help with the translation/editing of many other pages. If you’re bilingual in English and German, and would like to volunteer some time for a very important cause, please contact her through her website.]