Friday, February 11, 2011

minor edit to Occult Symbolism in the Media...

Here is a minor change to the Occult Symbolism post, as the previous write-up gave a somewhat incomplete rundown of the Enuff Znuff video:

...I do hope the girl in this video wasn't exploited during the video's production although of course it's impossible to tell without first hand information. It can be challenging to discern whether or not something of this nature has occurred but ultimately it's only the business of the performer if that information isn't on display. And in many cases of occult symbolism saturated media, evidence of exploitation is minimal at best. Regardless, it's important to acknowledge that apparently MK'ed performers aren't just meat sacs devoid of artistic talent. Because dehumanization can occur in many forms, whether through managers literally pimping underage, emotionally vulnerable celebs or, on the "opposite" side of the spectrum, from critics who can only see a victim or corrupter when looking at someone whose public persona strays from impeccable moral standards. Realistically, some celebrities really are victimized, but at the same time the continuum of experience in the culture industry will vary from horrific to benign. So if some of this analysis seems a bit flippant, it's only because I relate to the position many of these stars have found themselves in and so hesitate to throw the victim word around when it may be unwarranted, because the inaccurate *mind-controlled sex slave*! label has been placed on me a couple times, much to my confusion and amusement. Assuredly, sure some will think it's horrible to laugh about these things but without a sense of humor it would be impossible to stay engaged with such disturbing subject matter. I will draw the line at making other, seemingly victimized people the target/scapegoat of those jokes.

Here is an an Ozzy Osbourne video that shows a clear example of what I would consider to be blatant exploitation, since it employs the use of a child mouthing sexually explicit lyrics in a provocative way. It's evident that this was something stage-managed by adults which seems really off to me since this girl is just too young to be making an informed decision about whether or not she wants to place herself in the spotlight. The video contains simulated drowning, portrayals of extreme grief and the suggestion of sexual trauma, which could all be way too much for a small child to absorb. There is also an eye of horus and a ballerina, the image of which is another traditional MK Ultra programming theme. So I really don't know what to make of this because, despite the image presented here, Ozzy comes off to me as somebody who is fairly toothless even though he's made some irresponsible decisions. It's a well known secret that his wife is in control of their marriage, even effectively managing the mammoth Ozzfest venture, so the apparent misogyny in the video becomes more than a little ridiculous in light of this information. It could be that industry people around him were responsible for implanting MK Ultra-related imagery and arranging the kiddie porn lite shot at the end of the song. At least that's what I hope. I also hope sobriety has helped Ozzy to make better decisions about his own children. As always, it's hard to know what is really going on but I can't see how someone who wrote the best anti-war song of all time could be a completely unethical person. War Pigs is probably my biggest weakness when it comes to Christian fire and brimstone moralizing!